Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

This is how to get manifestation to really work

What I’ve manifested, what I haven’t, and what’s worked best for me in my 3 years of focused work.

Ariel Iman Rose
5 min readJul 14, 2021


I want to start by stating that we’re always manifesting all the time. Manifesting, technically, isn’t something that only happens when it feels like magic or destiny. You manifested the relationship you’re in whether it’s healthy or not, however you got your job, your breakfast. I believe, at the core of manifesting, we attract* what we believe we are worthy of.

*That is aside from racism, gender inequality, homophobia, transphobia, domestic violence, and any traumas that happened as children. These are not things we “attract” into our lives. But it is important we do inner work so as not to operate from oppression put on us, as well as actively work against systems and individuals taking advantage of such oppression.

With that being said, I still like using the term how it’s used in the general population, and will use it in the context of this article, for things that past me would have felt was impossible, out of my reach, or did come in a magic-like way.

The biggest problem I see when people want to manifest something is they aren’t given enough information. They’re told to write something down and the universe will deliver it to them like God’s own Amazon Prime.

Feel into the vibration.

Act like you already have it.

Maybe that works some of the time, or for some people who already feel deeply worthy, and if that’s the case, this article isn’t for you. Go merrily on your law-of-attraction ways.

For most of us there’s a lot of deeper work that needs to happen before/in conjunction with the feel good parts of manifestation.

Or maybe you have a deep level of skepticism and only see manifestation working for those financially benefitting from touting it. I get it! I still vacillate between “this is bullshit” to “the world is magic” all the time!

But I do believe I hold legitimacy in that, aside from potentially making some money from this article, I do not care to profit from teaching manifestation. I simply would like to help someone curiously skeptical of this craze.

So what have I “manifested”?

Who am I to be writing this article? The list far exceeds this, but the biggest manifestations, the ones I’ve written down or consciously asked for, are as followed:

  • An emotionally available partner (with whom I’ve just passed my 2 year relationship curse with).
  • Multiple apartments (one down to the address).
  • Financial and communal support to leave my survival job (with no idea of where my next paycheck would come from).
  • 2 national commercial jobs as an actress (one has made me over 200k and counting).
  • Funding for a short film (over 6k raised on top of labor/equipment being donated worth about 20k).
  • Free Bose noise cancelling headphones (This was early in my manifesting and it was truly magical how these came to me).
  • A community of like-minded supportive people I can be my full self with.
  • 2 rescue kittens. (I specifically wanted one found on the street).
  • Awareness around my deep lack mentality, and the ability to work through it, and clear the path to my purpose.
  • Ample free time and support to heal my past.
  • A deeper understanding of what up-leveling really feels like (no, YOU’RE grumpy and tired).


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This is coming from someone who was working a restaurant survival job, wanting to be in the entertainment industry but not having any energy/drive to do it, and constantly attracting emotionally unavailable/commitment phobic people.

So what’s worked best for me?

Tapping into my subconscious mind. Periodt.

The easiest way for me to do that is hypnotic meditations (I used To Be Magnetic most of the time, but EMDR, PSYCH-K and so many other modalities are awesome as well). I journal whatever is triggering me, then cover my eyes and figure out where the root is. The subconscious mind is, to me, the same as your inner child. It’s where you’re really operating from. Scared, angry, judgmental, or envious of something? That’s your subconscious mind begging you to heal.

Not happy with where your life is? Your subconscious mind is, because it’s what’s familiar, and familiar is safe, whether it’s making your conscious mind happy or not.

The biggest mistake I see people make?

That it’s just suppose to happen and happen quickly! If you keep doing what you’ve always done you’re going to keep attracting what you’ve always manifested.

Reprogramming your subconscious mind takes time! I was doing this work for months and months before even small things started to manifest. It was mostly painful awarenesses coming through. Not fun but necessary.

This is a good sign.

Let me guess, you decided you wanted something, wrote it down on a piece of paper or declared it to the God Universe, and you got nothing back, or more of the same, or maybe even something worse.

It doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, it means only two things: either some part of you doesn’t believe you’re worthy of it, or you don’t really want it.

And you have to dig deeper to figure out which one it is.

What about what I didn’t get?

Do I have a list just as long (or honestly, maybe longer) of things I wanted that I didn’t get? Yes! I change my mind all the time and, more importantly, as I heal and learn what was actually external validation vs a deep want, things fall to the wayside. Or, maybe I do still want something but would rather spend my time and efforts going another direction more. Or, the hardest pill to swallow, maybe I did want something and just didn’t get it for some reason I don’t really know.

I know everyone likes to say “this or something better” and sometimes that DOES happen and/or I DO believe it… and sometimes I’m skeptical AF. And, unfortunately, I haven’t YET manifested predicting the future.

Just because you get good at manifesting doesn’t mean you’ll be able to manifest everything on your journey. This isn’t a magic pill. Or maybe it is and talk to me in 2 years when I have a successful movie coming out?! TBD.

For me, I’ve found manifestation is really like the dangling carrot on the therapy treadmill.

Is there magic here?

I have to say there have been things that came into my life so specifically and serendipitously it’s hard to deny there isn’t some magic sauce happening. But most of the time, it’s just me, setting a goal, working through whatever triggers pop up, and creating it myself.

But the benefit now is I don’t feel the need to be “doing” all the time. I also need less validation, create with more ease, and align with opportunities I’m excited about easier.

What I think of most, and what I’ve seen true for myself is the quote, “God helps those who help themselves”.

Have you manifested something? I would love to hear about it in the comments and what you did to get it!

